Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Hello,it's not long i blogged on HIV but actually it was just awareness and how to leave healthy even with the virus. Many people are still doubting about the possible means of contacting the virus. Here are the major means of transmission: 

1. Since the virus is transmitted by blood then it can be contacted by sharing of sharp object (like blade) with infected people.

2. It can be contacted during sexual intercourse  ATTENTION should be drawn to this point because some people believe that transmission by this means is mainly by copulation and because of that they engage in oral sex. HIV can be contacted through this means (oral sex) especially among lesbians.

3. It can be contacted by blood transfusion and careless handling of infectious specimen (blood) in the laboratory.

4. It can also be contacted from beauty salon but more explanation on that is pending till next publication.
Next talk will be on the means through which it can not be contacted.

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