Thursday, December 26, 2013


Several researches have shown the impact of some certain things on the brain power and memory boost. Here are those tips and supplements that can increase the memory;

Supplements: Few supplements are known to encourage the growth of new neurons and decrease substances that can inhibit cognitive function. The gold standard is fish oil, which has been associated with lowering the risk of dementia because it contains DHA, an omega-3 fatty acid that decreases the production of memory-inhibiting substances in the brain and that may be involved in the formation of new neurons.
Vitamin D may also work, since it “stimulates the growth of new neurons and helps clear protein abnormalities associated with diseases that affect memory, such as dementia. You might also consider folic acid, B6, and B12 complex.

Meditate: Meditation improves your concentration and focus, which benefits memory. In addition, meditation has been shown to reduce stress, which can do a number on memory.
When we’re under stress, our body and brain release hormones such as cortisol, adrenaline, and corticotropin-releasing hormone, which in short bursts can help us fight or flee danger. But when you’re stressed-out over long periods of time, these hormones change the structure of the hippocampus, destroying nerve endings involved in information flow. A study released last year showed that subjects who performed a 12-minute chanting meditation once a day for eight weeks saw marked improvement in their memory and increased blood flow in the areas of the brain used in a variety of memory tasks.

Do something out of the ordinary: New experiences, such as taking a different route to work, can also improve recall. Our brains are constantly deciding what’s important enough to remember and what can be tossed away.

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