Tuesday, January 7, 2014


In continuation of the previous post on "HOW TO STAY HEALTHY  http://bodychemist.blogspot.com/2014/01/how-to-stay-healthy-and-fit.html", here's how to go about it. In reality, detoxification can be costly, but researchers say we can use cheap, home-based do-it-yourself processes based on the foods we eat. And, to maximise the advantages, experts advise that you eat a diet that is rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.  

Again, they counsel, you need to keep yourself well hydrated in the course of your detoxification endeavour. You are therefore advised to drink lots of water and freshly-made fruit juices. Needless to say, sugary and caffeinated drinks are a no-go area as you work to rid your body of junks..

Using lemon for detoxification was first introduced by Stanley Burroughs in the 1940s, and, it is a modified juice fast that permits no food. Here, the individual subsists on tea and lemonade made with maple syrup and cayenne pepper.
While detox clinics jealously guard their trade secret, Burroughs, in his book entitled The Master Cleanser, claims that this diet detoxifies the body by breaking down built-up toxins in the body and removes excess fat, leading to weight loss.
“The vitamin C in this drink will boost your immunity, while it also helps in re-balancing the levels of acid and alkaline in the body. The ensuing bowel movements will ensure that the waste accumulated in the intestinal walls is totally removed,” experts assures.
Green vegetables
Experts say here, the idea is to give your body a break from processed foods, dairy and animal products — all of which make the digestive system to work overtime.
By eating your vegetables raw or slightly steamed, the vitamins, minerals and other plant-based body-nourishing substances they contain will rid your body of toxin build-up and clear your digestive system of undesirable elements.
Regarded as a natural antibiotic and promoter of liver enzymes that aid detoxification, experts at naturalnews.com say it’s best to chew garlic raw or squeeze raw cloves onto freshly prepared foods. While the smell can sometimes be nauseating, allicin, an organosulfur compound in garlic, naturally reacts with the blood to create a product that is capable of killing many harmful bacteria and viruses that your body may be harbouring.
Experts say beans are not only a great source of fibre, they are also an important detoxification food as well as a major source of protein. Any of the species of beans will serve your purpose, and they include the kidney beans, pinto beans and soybeans.
Other dos and don’ts
Try to avoid fried foods during your detox period. Maintain the habit of eating lots of baked —rather than fried — fish. Again, instead of using butter, experts advise you to use olive oil-based product.
When you choose to eat fresh greens such as salads, avoid salad dressings and try using olive oil and a small amount of vinegar as dressing. Minimise your salt intake, and avoid processed foods such as cakes, cookies and other flour-based products.
Most importantly, before you start a detoxification exercise, consult your physician, who will also help you to plan your detoxification exercise so that it is done at a convenient time.
“You don’t want to shock your body; so, begin to make gradual changes once you have made up your mind that it is time to clean up. And by all means, ensure that you are properly hydrated during the process,” experts advise. http://bodychemist.blogspot.com/2014/01/how-to-stay-healthy-and-fit.html

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