Saturday, January 4, 2014


Lots is known about the ways by which stress can be managed especially by having adequate rest and eating fruits but only few are said about drinks that can calm you down and relieve you of stress. Beers and wine are so popular, but, the drinks on the list bellow are wonderful to calm the mind.

Green tea: Theanine, a compound present in green tea, calms your mind and reduces anxiety.
Cherry juice: This juice does not calm you down instantly, but studies have revealed that if cherry juice is consumed twice a day, it will give you a good night’s sleep, which will help de-stress and relax you.
Black tea: Research has shown that people who drank black tea for six weeks had low cortisol levels. So, try sipping on a cup of decaf black tea if you want to enjoy a good night’s rest.
Chamomile: Chamomile tea is known for its calming and relaxing properties, because the amino acids present in chamomile tea relaxes you and acts as a mild sedative.
Valerian: Valerian is a herb that is used in most herbal teas because it is known to decrease levels of anxiety, sleeplessness and nervousness.
Water: Water releases endorphins, which alleviates your mood and makes you feel calm. It also rids your mind and body of anxiety and stress.
Vegetable juices: Add a bit of spinach, celery and carrots in a juicer and blend this mixture. This juice is packed with calcium and magnesium, which will not only lower your blood pressure but will also reduce your stress levels and help calm you.

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