Thursday, April 24, 2014


Talking about fitness you might always think it's the duty of sports men and women but the benefits in keeping fit is beyond what anyone else can avoid to miss. There are several ways to keeping fit but it might not be that easy for many people (especially the lazy type) to engage in any. Here's a great way to start:

Do it with friends: Need exercise motivation? Find a buddy to work out with — family members, friends, or even the dog can help keep you accountable. This put into challenge that will eager you to endure even if it's a hectic exercise.

Become a social butterfly: Instead of filling your mouth with food at parties, try filling it with conversation. Remember when you are not in active conversation you might likely be loading your belly with junks that add to your sugar and fat loads.

Live in the “now”: When it comes to your health, stop worrying about what you did yesterday and start focusing on what you are doing now.

Wear your workout clothes to bed: Less effort in the AM means you’re more likely you’ll rise for that early morning workout!

Do interval workout: Interval workouts prevent boredom and burn more calories. Try this 20-minute interval routine: two-minute walk, one-minute jog, three-minute walk, two-minute jog, five-minute walk, four-minute run, three-minute walk — and burn about 200 calories.

Read up on fitness: Make it a goal to read one fitness or nutrition article each day. Studies show those who expose themselves to information develop a natural inclination to act on the advice.

Move to the beat: A recent study by the North American Association for the Study of Obesity found that women are more likely to stick to an exercise programme if they listen to music.

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