Friday, May 23, 2014


In a world where science and technology has great impact on the survival of ever demanding populations where shelters become limited and food become essential commodities, addictives become favorites of larger populations of the modern century.Every day, we’re exposed to hundreds of untested chemicals — from additives in food to endocrine disruptors in soap, shampoo and makeup.
These small, silent toxins that we bring into our homes end up inside our bodies, creating a “body burden” that exacerbate allergies, asthma, fatigue, cough and headaches; plus zap our energy and vitality, making us look old before our time. The ever demanding environment in which we find ourselves has been the major reasons why we are practically unable to avoid most of these addictives. Though ageing is a gradual irreversible process that every living creatures experience, some conditions, lifestyle, food and addictives have tremendous impact on the untimely ageing of majority of the populations.
Here are top things to avoid inside your home:

•Food additives like pesticides, food colourings and artificial sweeteners: Pesticides work by destroying the nervous system of bugs. Think about what they might also be doing to your nervous system. Though their system (bugs) is different from human system but the fact that these chemicals (pesticides) are toxic to those organisms also call our attention to what it might be doing in our system particularly the carcinogenic effect and ability to induce mutation. Opt for eating organic whenever possible.

•Food colourings are synthetic dyes that have been banned in Europe: This is because studies have shown they cause hyperactivity. Avoid blue yogurt (for example) and read labels to watch for hidden colours in cereals, soft drinks, cakes, cookies and other processed foods.

•Avoid artificial sweeteners, especially aspartame (a synthetic chemical): You’ll find aspartame in NutraSweet, Equal, Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi, as well as sugar-free gums, candies, yogurts, breakfast cereals and hundreds of other products that kids and adults eat (like sugar-free Kool-Aid, Jell-O pudding and some Popsicles). Three key studies found that the sweetener caused lymphomas, leukaemia, kidney and other cancers in rats and mice.

•Anything labeled “anti-bacterial”: Triclosan, a chemical that’s actually a pesticide, is found in antibacterial soaps, deodorant, acne cream and in some toothpastes. It has been proved to be an endocrine disruptor in laboratory animals. So, use plain soap and water. Antibacterial soaps and washes are not any better at killing germs and could contribute to the growth of bacteria that is resistant to antibiotics. Go here to see  the SECRET OF LONGEVITY

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